Adaptability Is All It Takes

Alex Ssanya
2 min readJan 22, 2019
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As far as I remember, I have always watching this chameleon camouflaging to adapt to the situations it has been exposed to, but I had never at one most thought about what it really takes to be adaptive to situations and environments.

In Nov 2018, I happened to apply in andela and I am just a few days to the finish line in my bootcamp but what I can simply say these few weeks have been weeks of extreme stretching in my life; I must say, writing such a blog like this, its something I had never ever thought of but to my surprise on my day one, it was slapped right in my face to be done in just an hour. All faced with all kinds of feelings like reasons to why a would-be developer needs blogging writings, I humbled my ego and touched the keys & surprisingly I was able to put down a piece you may read here.

I have always loved challenges in my life and truthfully, it has been a great journey of lots of challenges but I can’t deny some moments where I felt like I couldn’t hold on any longer with the lots of tasks I have to do at andela which demands lots quick learning, implementation and constant interactions with various fellows and my own work. I really felt like dropping on some but within myself, a voice kept telling how capable I am to handling all I am given on my plate; I glad that I listened to myself and enable to adapt all the discomfort I initially felt which as of now tending away.

To all who get the opportunity of reading this post and you are wishing to be an andelan soon. Adaptability is all it takes

